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The Family Bandwagon
Thursday, 22 December 2011
If you haven't got a penny..
I made my mini Chrissy puds today. I used approx 400g of fruitcake and a good splash of a brandy/rum/alcohol from Spain. :-) I cut up the fruit jellies from Adelaide to make the 'holly' (which took ages).
No idea what they taste like, but they look pretty. :-)
I also want to try making these:
Rudolf tartlets
but I'll have to find substitutes for most of the ingredients. They look cute tho.
Hope everyone's Xmas planning is going well - we're off to the cabin on Friday so I'll look for you online tomorrow (your Thursday pm).
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Hope you have a wonderful day full of wonderful things!
Did you get breakfast in bed?
Happy Birthday!!!
*big hugz*
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Happy 18th Carolynn
Dear Carolynn,
Hope you had a fabulous 18th birthday and that the year is full of everything good.
We look forward to seeing photos of your party.
Aunty dayna & unkie bruce
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat
Hi all,
We're going to be spending Christmas in a log cabin in Devon this year. I'm hoping to have internet so I can chat to everyone but we may need to play it by ear a little.
Anyway, I'm trying to get everything organised before we go and I want to make those cute little Christmas Puddings that Nana and Mum make.. I've found a few recipes on the internet but I want the fail-safe/tried-and-tested variety.. and I thought you guys might like it to.
So, Mum (or Lisa?), could you please put the Mini Christmas Pudding recipe in the comments to this post?
I'm sure I've had the recipe in the past (I must have, I made them 2 years ago and Bruce's Dad liked them - which is why I want to make them again)... but I can't find it now.
-the Xmas Elves-
Monday, 28 November 2011
School's Finished...For now anyway
Sunday, 27 November 2011
getting organised
Friday, 25 November 2011
French-Roberts update
Carolynn is waiting for her results now, then in January she'll find out if she gets to go to uni. In the meantime she gets to do some driving. I seem to spend quite a bit of time in the car LOL It means that Carolynn's hours are going up gradually. She won't have enough to go for her licence when she turns 18 but hopefully by the time she is 19 she'll be driving the laser around.
Now it's time to go to playgroup, we're making ants on logs (sultanas on celery and cream cheese) and fruit kebabs for snack today. Hopefully we'll have another quiet day today, it's easier when we've got under 10 children :)
Good news
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Booked the tickets
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Planning a trip
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Melbourne Cup Sweep
1 | Americain | Dayna |
2 | Jukebox Jury | Auntie Denise |
3 | Dunaden | Damien |
4 | Drunken Sailor | Mum |
5 | Glass Harmonium | Cheryl |
6 | Manighar | Daria |
7 | Unusual Suspect | Bruce |
8 | Fox Hunt | Pete |
9 | Lucas Cranach | Nana |
11 | Precedence | Jules |
12 | Red Cadeaux | Jared |
13 | Hawk Island | Oscar |
14 | Illo | Glenn |
15 | Lost in the Moment | Trinity |
16 | Modun | Bruce |
17 | At First Sight | Dayna |
18 | Moyenne Corniche | Carolynn |
19 | Saptapadi | Adam |
20 | Shamrocker | Lisa |
21 | The Verminator | Lily |
22 | Tullamore | Dee |
23 | Niwot | Lisa |
24 | Older Than Time | Carolynn |
Happy Halloween!
We went away this weekend, off down the coast to the Cumberland River campsite just past Lorne. Gave Andy (and Jules) a little taste of camping, although we stayed in a cabin -- which turned out to be a good thing, given the weather. Is it weird to get nostalgic when watching peoples' tents getting blown over, just as ours did those many years ago when we were last here? Watching from the comfort of a gas-fired room, of course.
Happy to say that we had a bunch of proper "occa" Aussies in the next cabin, so in one night Andy got more exposure to our authentic culture than is in a whole box-set of Kath & Kim. Unfortunately, the truly golden highlights of their conversation (which we listened to from the relative safety of our own little fire pit, giggling at the inanity) aren't exactly suitable for this bandwagon. (In one, a man was describing something he saw on a footy-trip/buck's night/Thailand trip, loudly and with great enthusiasm. Dee, who was sitting opposite me across the fire-pit, confirmed it: "Yep, he's got his pants down.")
LOL. No, literally.
Last night we celebrated Halloween with a couple of purportedly scary movies, both which were hilarious: Silent Hill (should've stayed a computer game title only) and the classic Poltergeist ("This houyahse is cleayahn!" "No it isn't." "Yah're rahght!").
Spook to ya later, fam!
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Happy (belated) birthday Glennji!
Hope you've had a fabulous weekend and everyone has given you lovely presents!
We'll be bringing one with us. :-)
-dayna- & brucey
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Happy birthday in memory, Dad
I didn't have my Tullamore Dew with fish and chips today (had to work instead)..
Anyone want to join me to raise a glass in remembrance when I'm visiting?
Monday, 3 October 2011
Happy birthday Damien
No need to thank me.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Welcome Lily
Dear Lily Sofia,
Happy birth day. Your Mum, Dad and big brother Oscar are very pleased to finally meet you.
You have a large family who are also eager to meet you - have you met Nannie and Nana yet? Unkie Bruce & I can't wait to visit in about two months.
See you then. *big hugz*
-aunty dayna-
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Baby update
Monday, 1 August 2011
Happy Birthday Chez!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Happy Birthday Trinity
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Trinity
Happy birthday to you!
hope you have a fantastic day!
keep your eye on the post - we sent your present yesterday.
*big hugz*
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Happy Birthday Mum
*big hugz*
Friday, 29 July 2011
Welcome to the world Jules
*big hugz*
(yes, I've posted this in the past.. ooOo time travel. ;) hehe)
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Mom says fibrocartilaginous embolism isn't good for dogs
Whilst I wait for a release to build -- gotta love being a programmer -- I thought I best pen a quick update on the trials and tribulations of our "little" puppy Lucy, who is due to come back from a two-night stay at a specialist vets today.
On the weekend she fell at the bottom of the stairs, and while I didn't see it the noise was an almighty thump and she seemed a bit shocked afterwards. I gave her a hug and she ran up the stairs, but stumbled again at the top and almost fell over. It was heartbreaking! I sat her down on her bed and ran my hands over her to see if she'd actually broken anything.
Since that time she was having trouble walking, her back paw "knuckling" over and sliding on the wooden floors. When she didn't seem to be improving, we took her to the local vet, who suggested a spine or brain injury (!!) and referred us to a Dr. Peter Laverty, who was kind enough to slip us in between his other patients.
Overnight observation showed she wasn't improving (very quickly, anyway), so we signed the release for a myelogram. This x-ray was not without its risks, but would locate the problem and tell us whether she needed surgical intervention.
Another nervous night (her timing sucks -- with Dee about to go into labour any second, we really need our rest) and morning and we get the results: it is not a compression or swelling, so it is very likely a random "spinal stroke" (fibrocartilaginous embolism) that will fully heal itself over the next 6-weeks -- it could've been much worse! Dr. Laverty suggested that it was more likely that the fall was due to the stroke, not the other way 'round. Lucy will still not be allowed downstairs for a long time yet.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
This week is the week
A recent ultrasound suggested Dee has "polyhydramnias" - that is, too much amniotic fluid - and the follow-up had the specialist ready to do a Caesarian on the spot (practically), but Dee obviously wanted a second (and third!) opinion from her doctor and midwife.
On Friday we got that opinion, and now the game-plan is set: if little Jules hasn't arrived by Thursday we're into the hospital overnight for inducing Friday morning. And if he can't be induced, ol' sawbones McGee is standing by for a c-section. Either way the lad is coming out!
It is still more likely that he'll come on his own this week, statistically speaking, but just in case we've asked Dee's ma to come over and look after the place for a few days.
It will be great to finally meet the little guy!
Friday, 22 July 2011
Monday, 11 July 2011
Web page designers
Sunday, 10 July 2011
more tidying up
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
No power tools
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3
Sunday, 3 July 2011
The week that was
Monday, 27 June 2011
I want more power tools
Saturday, 25 June 2011
The big clean up
Friday, 3 June 2011
We have a new floor!
We got a floor laid today! Just one of the many, many benefits of being a pregnant woman (*Glenn ducks*) is you can ask for special treatment, like "as early as possible because we've got a baby coming". Dee found the flooring company on Monday and found out that "as early as possible" was before the end of the week! Good stuff! So last night we moved out all the furniture and ripped up the last little bit of carpet, then slept with the mattress on the floor where our dining table should be. Dee was happy to find it wasn't as hard to get up from the floor as she worried it would be. (Lucy woke us nice and early, of course, although arguably it was harder for her to lick us since she had to bend down.)
Rock and AJ (real names?) turned up this morning and got to work: we put up a drop-sheet across our door to block out the dust (but not the noise), then left 'em to it. Lots of hammering and grinding from behind the orange curtain, so Dee took the car out for a service and I put on some headphones. "A nice hardwood floor...", Tasmanian oak? Something like that. They were finished by about two o'clock, with another 24-hours before we can walk on it (so camping out again tonight); in a couple of weeks (once it has settled I suppose) they're back to sand and polish it. It already looks good!
Lucy was a reasonably good puppy during all the ruckus, although we had to block off her path with sheets of plasterboard because she just wanted to help. By the afternoon she'd grown used to it, and went outside to harass the neighbours little dogs. So funny to see muddy little "Milo" or yippy "Hannah" chasing a big black Great Dane around the yard! Considering that Lucy has been sneaking into Milo's yard and stealing his toys, I'm not surprised he chases her.
So we are slowly but surely getting something like settled. This floor was a big one, as it really brings the room together with all the painting, plastering, sanding and amateur-carpentary we've done over the last month or so. French-doors this weekend, getting it polished before the end of the month, a couple of rugs, photos and/or paintings, a little bookshelf cabinet by the door and we're done with our bedroom!
4D ultrasound
We had another ultrasound this week, a little check against heart defects (sonographer said it looked fine, but we haven't had the final confirmation from the doctor yet -- not worried). A nice little ultrasound centre in Berwick, and we found out the meaning of "4D scan" when she showed us his face in 3D ... and then he moved! Opening and closing his mouth just like a real baby might (and he's looking pretty baby-like now), it was amazing to behold. Technology is awesome! Science, you rock. They printed out a couple of 3D pics, with the digital copies on their way (can't scan the thermal-prints) so you might've seen the blurry pic from Flickr:
For me, seeing him move was another "wow" moment, like hearing his heartbeat for the first time. In these pictures, he's got his hands in front of his face so you can only kind of see half of him -- but who do you think he looks like?
(The sonographer also showed us around his head -- he's already got hair! That might change who you think he looks like?)
Monday, 21 March 2011
Thank you Dayna
Funeral to go to.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Movement at the Station
Thank you to everyone for your well wishes on the new home! Glenn and I are loving it, the first 3 days were frantic shopping days, we still require a table and more importantly a couch! We picked up one of those awesome bendy-over lamps on sale from freedom for Glenn's lab, which we have started to paint, slow baby steps, I went a bit "Must get everything done" on a list of things that will probably take up to a year thinking that it was indeed possible to get it done in 3 days, I have never felt so much pain.. after reconsidering it is 10:54 and I'm still in bed.
Looking forward to a trip to Bendigo on the weekend for some more goodies.
Love to all, and big squishes.
Friday, 11 March 2011
The long way home concludes
Monday, 7 March 2011
Back again
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Happy Birthday Adam
Monday, 28 February 2011
Happy Birthday Jared
Happy Birthday!!!
Hope you had a fabulous day and that you enjoyed playing Laser Force with Uncle Glenn.
Let us know when your pressie arrives!
*big hugz*
aunty dayna and uncle bruce
Friday, 25 February 2011
Monday, 21 February 2011
Obstinate li'l tyke
We had our third ultrasound today, and it was great to see the little tyke (and even better to see the li'l heart beating!) but try as she might, our sonographer could not get the scanner into position to tell us the sex.
It was a 10am appointment, and it's my theory that the little person to be was not used to being up so early - the scanner showed him/her all curled up, feet crossed, arms over face and hands in fists. We prodded, moved, waited; nothing would make the bub move to a more 'helpful' position. "Gets that from you," Dee couldn't help but remark. "Just being cheeky."
We've got another scan next week, so fingers crossed.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Happy Birthday Bruce
Once again it's been a long spell between posts. Since Mum's New Year wishes we've been keeping busy.
We've had a holiday in Germany (Frankfurt and Darmstadt to be precise) including setting off some fireworks for Silvester (New Year). Ooh eer (it's not illegal in Germany but I was scared by some of the antics we saw in the street!). Technically, we were on holiday before Mum's post but I didn't think anyone would be too picky. :)
I've travelled the country for a multitude of job interviews. I am extremely happy that one of them came through for me - even if finishing and moving is kinda stressful right now.
And then last weekend we celebrated Bruce's birthday (3rd February - just for the record). He'd booked a table at Zorbas Dance - a local restaurant that sounded a bit strange. Every Friday and Saturday they have Party Night with a 3-course meal, belly-dancing, plate smashing and more.
Bruce and his dad picked me up from the train station. Happily this meant that I didn't have to take my backpack to the restaurant and I didn't have to walk far in my party shoes. ;) Our waiter for the evening was fab - he started the night with "The soup is minestrone, the cheesecake is strawberry and the service is appalling." (It wasn't - although the MC was a big scary man!)
Food was tasty; I had halloumi, vege moussaka and cheesecake while Bruce had pork and mushrooms, lamb and mushrooms, and cheesecake and mushrooms (without the mushrooms). After food the crazy began - or as the MC put it: "Action time!"
Although it was Bruce's birthday, I'm sure I spent more time doing silly things! Highlights - dancing on the table, dancing out one door and in the other, the in-house belly-dancer making Bruce join her for a wiggle (I have video!) and, of course, being a Zorba Girl.
As far as I can tell, the only requirements for being a Zorba Girl is that you're a girl and you're at the restaurant. :) After a few 'moves' on the dance floor we were shepherded into a side room and allocated costumes. It was up to us whether we put it over our clothes or not, so Georgie and I decided to follow Bruce's philosophy: if you're going to do it, do it properly! We shimmied, we wobbled, we had a good laugh. It made me think it could be fun to find a class. And maybe next time there'll be less belly to wobble. :-)
T'was a good evening and definitely strange. I spent more time on my feet than I expected but the party shoes were surpisingly comfortable - at least until midnight. ;)
Bruce enjoyed himself, that was the main thing.
What's everyone else been up to?
*hugz* from us
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Happy New Year for 2011
Lots of hugs and love to all of my family and friends
Hope to see all of you this year and pray for health and happiness for all of us.