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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Lily's Party Time

As mentioned on Facebook, Lil had a bit of a four day Birthday Extravaganza. Cheryl's posted some photos on Facebook, so head over there to check them out.

Saturday we had family over for afternoon tea - scones with jam and cream, plus bonus savoury scones from Mum, followed by tiny birthday cupcakes.

Sunday was a party at the Fun Factory. Originally we had planned to combine both events into a party at home, but the uncertainty of the weather combined with the presence of stinging nettles through the yard convinced us otherwise. Once I saw 9 little girls running around screaming I was confident we had made the right choice.

It was great to have someone else organise the food, location and entertainment and pretty much just have to turn up. The 90 minutes went by really quickly, but both kids were exhausted and happy.. and I think if it had been a little longer we might have seen tears.

Monday was Lil's actual birthday of course, so for the third day in a row she got presents, this time from us (and Max). Because of the excitement of Sunday, and Kinder being the following day, we kept things fairly quiet and calm. She played with all her new toys, did some bubble blowing outside, and got a special package in the mail from Auntie Rach.

We went to Jojoes for dinner, which was Lily's choice and booked in her name :)

Finally Tuesday was Kinder day, and Lil took in boxes of smarties to give to all the kids. A nice ending to her birthday funtime, giving out presents instead of receiving them.

This Saturday looks to be equally busy, although this time for me and Cheryl more than the kids. I've got the Iaido seminar with Shihan Takeo all day. Lis is helping with water, which is awesome. Cheryl, meanwhile, will bring Os to the seminar when it starts (I've got to be there an hour or so earlier to set up), then go home and order pizzas for lunch (Anne, one of the other students' Mums, has offered to pick them up) and then take Lil to a party, and then pick Ossie up after lunch. So relaxing ;)


  1. We enjoyed sharing Lilys birthday. Glad she had a fabulous four day extravaganza.

  2. Definitely keeping busy.
    Lily's birthday extravaganza sounds like a lot of fun - and the photos I've seen look that way too. Yay for extended birthdays. I love the "giving" part - did Lily like sharing smarties with her classmates?

    Hope the seminar goes well this weekend - sounds like you've got the prep all under control (yay Lis, Cheryl and Anne). Your dojo looks like it's doing pretty well - did you imagine when you started that you'd be hosting seminars and visiting classes etc? Pretty cool when you think about it. Yay you!

    I think others need to write a post -gives me something to read when Millicent is being a baby (she hasn't been sleeping between 4am-6am.. and sometimes longer! My brain isn't functioning enough to remember what we did this week and write about it.. but I can read.. and comment ( sorry if it doesn't make much sense).


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