Time to get back to regular updates! And that goes for everyone. ;-)
Can you believe we've been back for three weeks? I can't! We (I) still haven't finished unpacking boxes yet.. but I've had a meeting in London, been to a conference (& dinner), run experiments in Swansea, attended a chemistry festival in Cardiff, and spent a day talking about Spectroscopy in a Suitcase. And that's just work!
Our big news is that we've bought a new car! I can't remember if we told you - B's car was playing up before we came home and it was going to cost a lot of money to fix it. We ended up deciding to replace it instead and last week we went and looked at a possibility or two. We ended up deciding on this one - a little blue Corsa. I haven't driven it yet so I'll let Bruce comment on it. ;-)
Next week is the Urdd Eisteddfod - a Welsh festival for young people. I'll be spending most of the week in North Wales running chemistry experiments (with a day midweek for exams back in Cardiff - I'm one of the examiners! I'll update next week!). Unfortunately I lose this weekend (which is a long weekend!) but it should be fun (and I'll take the time back some time...).
What has everyone else been up to?