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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Monday, 22 December 2008

Guess the time and date (and eye colour) competition

As discussed, I'm going to run a competition to guess the time (to the nearest hour) and date of the baby's birth, and the eye colour. That means if someone has the same time that you want, you have to go a different eye colour :) The winner will be the closest time first, and if there's two times that are close then whoever gets the eyes right.
I'll put it up here for a day or so for you all to guess, and then I'm going to post it on my website and keep a running tally of guesses up there :)
The expected due date is Feb 1. Both Cheryl and I have brown eyes, but both our Dads have blue eyes. Oh, and there is a prize (it'll probably be one of my tees from redbubble.. it wont be naming the baby, sorry Jared)
Good luck! ;)


  1. 12.30am 30/1/09 Brown eyes
    Ann's guess

  2. 6:00pm 02/02/09 Brown Eyes
    Damien's guess

    It's got to be to the nearest hour Mum, so do you want 12am or 1am?

  3. 1am thanks My guess is based on him following in his Dad's footsteps.

    Dad has had more of the tubes taken out including the one through his nose. Bob and Pam visited tonight as well. He's still coughing but can now direct it into the bowl rather than the tissue.

    Dayna went swimming this afternoon with the kids and they've gone to see the Christmas lights tonight.

  4. ok, i've added this to my site (http://www.damienmason.com) so you might want to check that before you guess now, in case someone has guessed your time first. Which would be really unlucky, let's face it :)

  5. 1500h on the 31/1/09 with blue eyes

  6. Jared:2pm 3/2/09 brown eyes
    Lisa:11pm 29/1/09 brown eyes
    Adam:3pm 1/1/09 hazel eyes

  7. Thanks guys.. although Adam, I wonder if you meant the first of Feb, rather than the 1st of Jan. I've put you in for Feb, but if he comes that early you can win then too ;)

  8. 6am 04/02/2009 - Light eyes
    dayna's guess

  9. Thanks Dayna, but I'm putting you in as "blue eyes" because otherwise you get an unfair advantage.. your answer would cover blue, grey, green, pale pink and yellow.

  10. ooh.. my newphew would be extremely cool if he had yellow or pink eyes. ;-) how about purple.. that would be even cooler. heh..

  11. Dad said 30/1/09 at 3am blue eyes

  12. Couldn't access the check up site.
    Nana 7/2/09 2am brown
    Denise 26/1/09 6am blue
    Danielle 4/2/09 4am blue
    Glenn 3am 2/2/09 blue


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