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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Happy Birthday Trin!

Happy Birthday Trin!


  1. We had visitors this afternoon. Trinity enjoyed watching me open a present "What have you got?" and enjoyed opening her present. We gave her a school bus(a bit noisy) and she loved putting the little people in for a ride. She had a helium balloon with the Disney princesses so she loved her jamas with the Disney Princesses.
    I had a big nurse of Daria. She will be so used to noises with Trinity playing the blower noise and shreaking with laughter. Jared just wanted to tell me about his footy game today and Carolynn was feeling poorly with a chillblain and a headache. I had to make a batch of biscuits since I took some to Hay over the weekend and the bikky tins were somewhat empty. Fresh biscuits warm from the oven went down well.


    hope you had lots and lots of fun.

    Sounds like Nanni had fun catching up with you and your siblings. I miss Nanni's bikkies.

    *big hugz*


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