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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Monday, 17 September 2007

No News is good News

Heya all, bout time I blogged, firstly Damien if that is you after putting on 6 kilos you must have been a stick there for awhile! secondly I have been offered a role with an Investment Bank called Schroders, an old british company, who are very old and very british, a butler came into the interview to offer ¨refreshments¨ I had a choice of tea, coffee, herbal tea, or water, I requested some water for which his response was ¨still or sparkling"! LOL I would so love his name to be Niles. After some thought we decided I would take it.. so I start on the 24th September. After weeks of many interviews Glenn and I are now off the Cork in Ireland to celebrate and do some much earned relaxing... Better get ready Dayna we could be landing on your doorstep one of these weekends! ;) I hope everyone is healthy and happy. L Deexo


  1. yay dee! you go girl.. (i'd imagine his name was Niles.. or Jeeves.. heheh)..

    There is floor-space for you guys anytime.. (I don't have an airbed.. but could get one if you give me notice) *grin* or I could recommend a good hostel (with double rooms). :)

    Yay! again. Good going.

  2. Spiffing news my dear, so glad to hear you have found such gainful employment. Hang on. Will you and Glenn be rivals in the banking game? Oh no!
    What does that mean in terms of the trip down under?
    We're looking forward to your visit, but at the moment plan to go to Coffs Harbour for the easter break in 08. If that's when you'll be here we will change our plans. Cheryl and Warwick are coming to visit us at the end of October. We now have so much on in these holidays I'm glad we changed our planned trip north. Love to all

  3. So which water did you go with? :P

    Good to hear from everyone... now to get ourselves sorted so you know what we've been up too LOL

  4. I agree with Lisa, which water? I want closure! Closure!!

  5. hehe, I had still water, but in the second interview I splashed out and asked for a coffee! Thanks everyone for your well wishes!! :) We are still trying to figure out about a trip back to Australia, we are keen to come back to visit! ...we could bring our own airbed Dayna! how's that for Karma! :)


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