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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Saturday, 2 September 2006


Huuuge thanks to Dayna for our threadless t-shirts, which arrived in the mail yesterday. They're so cool! And Thanks to Dayna, Glenn and Danielle for Cheryl's bag too. Everybody rocks!


  1. I like the purple one of Cheryl's, that's really cute :)
    Cool shirts guys!

  2. Thank you to Dayna, Glenn & Dee for the pressies! They're so cool! :D

    I really like the purple one too. It's my favourite! :)

  3. Glad you like the shirts.. the piccys look really cool.. makes me think i should do that with my threadless t-shirts.. heheh..

    ahhh, threadless.. good (non-expensive) t-shirts!



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