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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Sunday, 16 July 2006

Quiet Bandwagon

Hey all, I just thought I'd post and ask what everyone's been up to.. it's been a bit quiet here on the old Bandwagon. For me, well I've been getting better, although I still have a cough, as do most people I know right now. I haven't had any more early morning stress though. I haven't been going to the gym, but Cheryl has been and I hope to go again next week.. although it's been really cold these last few days, and that makes my cough worse, so it'll depend on that. So basically I've been trying to stay warm and get healthy. What about you guys?


  1. Apart from the gym, I've mostly been working. It has been fairly quiet in the bookshop because of school holidays, but the new semester starts in a week and it will be insanely busy (I'm looking forward to it though:).
    Damien and I have also been cleaning the house for our inspection this week, and we've been making good use of the knitting looms I got for my birthday (a pair of bedsocks each and a beanie for me)

  2. The bedsocks are a good idea. I thouhgt the Bandwagon had gone quiet too. I've been busy with work. our three year old group started on Monday and we had an inservice on Friday and Saturday(waste of time)I now have a single gold card compliments of the YMCA so I could go to the gym and the heated pool (re opening tomrrow) for free. I must make the most of that opportunity, Expect Carolynn for lunch tomorrow. They have all had the gastric wog last week. Hope all are now over that(and we don't catch it)
    Dad is up to week 4 at Hay. Much shaking of head when he comes home. He arrived at 5 on Friday and still had managed his 35 hour week.I try to send biscuits and some food back with him as well as the clean washing and ironing.
    Love from Mum

  3. well, I know we haven't been doing much that would be "blog-worthy" Yes, we've all been sick, except Jared - he didn't feel well, but not so sick he missed school. Sorry Mum (who is sick today) I hope Dad doesn't get it now!
    Adam still doesn't feel well, but he tends to have these things longer than the rest of us.

  4. well i've still got a bit of a cough when i'm in the cold, but i'm going to go to the gym tonight anyway. I have to start again at some point.
    So what's everybody else doing? Dayna? Glenn? Danielle? Nana? ;)


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