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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Thursday, 13 October 2005

not fit, but immunised

well, it's true. we have not been making an effort to take regular walks...sorry damien. i just thought i would update what we have been doing, since i don't know about everyone else but i keep checking this for new info. trinity had her first round of needles and sabin today, poor darling. 3 needles! i had to feed her to help her feel better - lol. carolynn is away on school camp in roses gap, she comes home tomorrow. jared has been going to school with fiona (laura's mum, laura is carolynn's best friend, for those who don't know) i was going to take amy home (laura's sister) but their brother matthew has conjunctivits and amy doesn't want trinity to get it so she asked her mum to get her today.

for tomorrow!


  1. Hey, it doesn't bother me whether you're exercising or not, i'm having enough trouble keeping myself on track without worrying about anyone else :)

    Glad to see a post from someone else, incidentally, i was wondering where everybody was :)

  2. Ooh, and Happy Birthday Glenn, from us too. There should be a couple of packages working their way towards you.


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