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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Iaido update

Thursday I got the good news that Hokushin Shinoh Ryu Iaido members were exempt from the Victorian sword laws. This is a massive win for Hokushin - until now each of our members had to organise their own Chief Commissioner's Approval ($170 per year) or join a collectors club (which may not cover martial arts), but now by paying their annual membership to us they're legally covered.

It's a massive weight off my shoulders, making it possible for people travelling from interstate (for the camp) to bring swords with them, plus simplifying the whole process for our Victorian students. It's also a big motivation for our students to keep paying their membership since if they stop their swords become illegal ;)

Looking at the to-do list from my previous Iaido post I've also printed and distributed the membership cards, got the order from Japan (and ordered some new cheap swords from the US), and the mid-year seminar is in two weeks.  Once we get through that I'll turn my attention to getting the camp sorted out. Oh and I've taught in Melbourne twice now, and will look to doing it again after the seminar.