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The Family Bandwagon

Our family is spread out across the country and across the world, and what better way to keep in touch than a collaborative digital journal?

Thursday, 24 May 2012


Greetings from rainy Adelaide! Time for our update...
The kids have been going well (aside from colds). Lily is loving being mobile and has great fun trying to keep up with her brother. She follows him to the table at meal times (and will sit underneath his chair or stand behind him), watches him while he has a shower and will "annoy" him while he sits on the potty ;) She likes to pull herself up onto her feet, but a couple of times she has got herself stuck and not known how to get down. Hehe! 
Ossie is doing well. He is such a good big brother! He enjoys playing with Lil and likes to make her laugh. It's very cute! We're still toilet training him, but he's slowly getting there. He gave up his dummy when we got back from our trip to Bendigo, so that's a plus. Oh, and he'll be in kindy next year! 0_0
Damien has been busy busy busy at work. Lots of work involving the red cross. His dojo seems to be going well.. about 6 regular students each week. As well as that, Damien has been doing an exercise routine at home.
And I'm returning to work in about 2 months! I've started getting things organised... In the process of working out hours with my supervisor and then childcare. I've also bought Lily some bottles. It'll be interesting to see how she goes with being bottle fed and being in care. We're together a lot of the time, so it'll be a big change for her. And me ;) I'm determined to enjoy the freedom though :) Damien and I don't often get time together without the kids, so we'll make the most of it and organise some lunch dates :) 
Apart from that it's all just the usual kind of stuff... We've been enjoying Skyping with Nanny, Dayna & Bruce. So good to hear that everyone is having a good time.We'll start organising a party for Lily's first birthday.We'll try to time it so that Nanny will be there for it! :) . We're also thinking about where to put our veggie garden (that my mum has so kindly offered to get started for us ;) And we're getting new tyres for the care this weekend... ok, well that is scraping the bottom of the news story barrel ;)
Better end here. The oven timer has just gone off, so dinner's ready!
Hope all are well!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

My first week in Wales

I can't believe a week has gone by already. This afternoon the weather looks more promising and we're planning to visit Bath and Stonehenge this weekend.
My first visit to Cardiff and the Queen just happened to be visiting on Thursday. Wonder if she ask me in for tea if we get to London?
Dayna and I had a lovely day in Cardiff on Saturday, including Cardiff Castle over the afternoon. Not sure I'm confident I can find my way around, but I'm getting better. My first purchase other than a couple of souvenirs and postcards was a pair of shoes.  (red suede look and very cheap) Dayna found the charity shops for me (but that wasn't where I found the shoes) Despite what tamara said, prices here aren't super cheap.Saturday evening we went to a workmates of Dayna's for dinner. Bruce and a couple of mates had a weekend away and we got to keep the car. I don't think they had a native English person there.
Sunday's planned visit to an open air museum was cancelled due to much rain and wind. We'll get there eventually.
Today both D & B have gone off to work leaving me to play and catch up on the Bandwagon as well as checking some accommodation ideas for Saturday night. Been wonderful to be able to chat on Skype with everyone. I check in most mornings here and Denise had Nana up on Saturday so we could see her.
I'm enjoying being part of Dayna's life here and hope they won't get tired of me. Love to all of you on the other side of the world. see you on Skype soon.
Glenn and Dee, Lisa and Adam paid a courier to get your fridge shifted to their place. Thank you for the loan.